
Shoes have a wide range of uses. They act as a barrier between our feet and the ground. Their primary function is to distribute the weight of the human body. We hope they do both: they can make our feet more comfy and stylish, or at least both!

Proper footwear selection is important for healthy feet and a well-balanced body. Uncomfortable shoes can lead to a variety of foot problems, including bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, and even stress fractures.

Seems horrible! Right? But choosing a perfect-sized shoe can help you away from these problems and ensure a happy and balanced life.

Here are some tips from Xenno to pick the perfect size shoes for you:

Step-1: Trace Foot:

Put a sheet of paper on the floor. If your foot is too big for a sheet, tape two together, slightly overlapping. Wear the sock intended for the shoe. For the most accurate measurement, put your whole body weight on the foot. You or anybody softly draws around your foot at a 90-degree angle.

Step 2: Measure Length:

With a measuring tape, trace the pattern from the heel to the longest toe. For better results, trace your foot several times.

Step 3: Measure Width:

To determine the width of your bunion, wrap a measuring tape around your foot at the widest point. To get an accurate measurement, put your weight on the foot and stand up straight.

Step 4: Find the Right Fit for You:

In the first column, note the length of your feet as measured. You may find out your shoe size by finding your toe shape in the right-hand column. Find your foot width in the following three columns to see what shoe width you require.

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